Congratulations to Jaci Diviney on being the 2022 NWTF Texas State Chapter Scholarship recipient

We will be awarding Jaci $2500 to be paid to her school of choice.

Jaci is a worthy recipient of the Dr. James Earl Kennamer Scholarship because of her involvement in her community, her extra curricular activities, maintaining a high GPA and class rank and still be able to hunt and preserve our hunting heritage.

Jaci started hunting at the age of six. Whether it was deer, turkey, or even an oryx she was always ready to go hunt. Being raised in an environment where her family hunted, she learned very many lessons and understood how important the outdoor and hunting are.

Every year she looked forward to attending the Cross Timbers Chapter banquet because it was her dream to win a gun. One year, she recalls, she bid on a pink .22 Crickett against other kids and was lucky to snag it even after raising her hand a few more times than her parents may have wanted her to.

Jaci is thankful for the opportunities that she has been given to get outdoors and hunt because she has been able to learn, grow, and share memories with her family. Eventually, she would like her kids to have those same opportunities she did as a child.

She knows that hunting is not only about trophies. Jaci realizes many people hunt to put food in their freezers. That’s a large reason she feels conserving our hunting heritage is so important.

Jaci understands the importance of conserving our hunting heritage.

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